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August Orientation Program

All students newly enrolled at Holy Family Day Nursery School are encouraged to attend a minimum of two of the four weeks of the Summer Orientation Program. New students are welcome and encouraged to attend three or even all four weeks of the Summer Orientation Program. The Orientation Program is conducted during the month of August each year.

The Summer Orientation Program is designed to assist new students with the adjustment period of beginning a new school and making new friendships. It is a fun-filled introduction to the routine of the school. The outdoor environment plays a great part in this program. Teachers are encouraged to incorporate the outdoors into their daily curriculum. Picnic lunches, outdoor science exploration and playing are all  exciting experiences.

The Summer Program curriculum is based on a specially prepared theme. Each class develops unique studies into the chosen theme. The students spend more time enjoying constructing arts and craft projects, participating in music and movement activities contributing to language development, building social skills while developing new friendships.

This is a wonderful opportunity for adjustment for both children starting out in their education and for transfer students to get to learn about their new school, the staff, and the Franciscan Sisters of St. Elizabeth who conduct the school. 

The hours of operation for the Summer Program are the same as the regular academic year (7:00 AM – 5:30 PM)  while the daily classroom schedules are often adapted to the specific studies and activities at hand. Summer Program dates and information are included in the initial registration packets for students registering prior to the beginning of each new school year. 

The Summer Program is open to new and present students plus those Pre-K 4 students who have graduated from Holy Family Day Nursery School and are moving on to new schools for Kindergarten.

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Call for registration information 973-235- 1170

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